Policía Municipal
On July 17th, authorities confiscated the largest batch of medicine intended to enter Costa Rica illegally. There were 2,686 units among antibiotics, injectables and ointments.
So far, the Border Police have seized 15,468 drugs, most of them from Peñas Blancas.
Although a lot of products are detected and confiscated, a great quantity manages to dodge authorities. These medicines are sold illegally in stores and even in parks.
Marcelo Solano, director of the Municipal Police, explained that these actions are very common and the main places to sell these medicines are:
-La Merced Park.
-San Juan de Dios Hospital
-Calderón Guardia Hospital
-Children’s Hospital
Jennifer Lee, who works on Drug Control and Registration in the Ministry of Health, assured that they don’t receive any information regarding people selling on the streets, but they do know what drugs are sold. However, even if they knew who the sellers are, the fine would be ridiculously low. The punishment is worse if medicines are seized.
Lee recommended that people don’t buy these products because it is extremely dangerous, mainly because people don’t get to know where they are from and some of the seized products have been banned worldwide.