American Expatriate Costa Rica

“Pirate” transporters created a gang of migrant smugglers

A group of “pirate” transporters were arrested suspected of being part of a migrant smuggling gang, according to the Ministry of Public Security.

The investigation was carried out by the Professional Migration Police (PPM), through the Management of Investigations, Analysis and Intelligence, and under the functional direction of the Deputy Prosecutor’s Office against Trafficking in Persons and Illegal Trafficking of Migrants.

Five Costa Ricans identified with the surnames Calvo, Reyes, Zabala, Muñoz and Vargas were arrested after a series of raids carried out in the canton of Los Chiles.

How did the group operate? The investigation began in November 2018 after confidential information in which it was indicated that Calvo housed irregular migrants.

After a previous coordination with Calvo, who apparently is the leader of the group, Reyes, Zavala, Muñoz and Araya were in charge of providing the “pirate” transportation service from the border to the place where the irregular migrants were staying.

They charged between ¢5 thousand to ¢10 thousand each person.

In the house, there were six foreigners in irregular migratory status, including minors and evidence such as control books, cell phones, foreign identity documents, among others.