American Expatriate Costa Rica

Plan to give resources to Works of the Holy Spirit resurfaces

Legislator and President of the Legislative Assembly, Gonzalo Ramírez, took up a bill to allow a portion of the profits of the Social Protection Board (JPS) to be transferred to the Asociación Obras del Espíritu Santo.

The initiative was originally proposed by former legislator Víctor Emilio Granados, it expired on August 9th this year, despite having been affirmatively ruled by the Committee on Economic Affairs of the Legislative Assembly.

The project seeks that of the total net profits received by the Social Protection Board (JPS) for sales of lotteries and games, 0.50% goes to the Association of the Holy Spirit.

In 2016, according to the explanatory text, the profits of the JPS reached ¢ 35,108 million. The 0.50% equals ¢175 million.
The Association of the Holy Spirit serves the population with a high level of vulnerability, such as children, teenagers and mothers heads of household.