American Expatriate Costa Rica

Poás Volcano maintains activity with tremors, gases and steam

During the night of Thursday and dawn of Friday, Poás volcano maintained an intense activity, with a plume of gases and steam that extended several meters high.

Mauricio Mora, an expert from the National Seismological Network (RSN) reported that the volcanic tremor signal has remained high.

The degasification in the lake increases, the pen is quite high in water vapor and gases and coincides with an increase in the tremor at least until now,”

said the expert.

According to Mora, in the last few hours the amount of ash emitted by the volcano has been low and the solid material is kept inside the crater.

One of the problems that the experts must face is the cloudiness condition in the area and the degassing in the volcano, which does not allow them to observe through the camera located at the top.