American Expatriate Costa Rica

Political debt reduction approved in second reading

With 46 votes in favor, the Legislative Assembly approved in second reading a reduction of ¢ 25 billion on the contribution of the State to political parties.

The reduction applies to the financing of the presidential campaign of 2018 and 2020 municipal voting.

The initiative will reduce the State’s contribution of 0.19% to 0.11% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Otton Solís, legislator of the Citizen Action Party (PAC) and proponent of the initiative, pointed out that the reduction amounts to $ 45 million.

A portion of the resources will be allocated to the Ministry of Public Security for hiring new police officers.

This reduction will be exclusively for the next 2 seasons, which is why legislators also promoted a constitutional reform to make a permanent cut.

The initiative was forwarded to the Executive for its approval and publication in the Official Gazette.