American Expatriate Costa Rica

Poop bombs, the new Venezuelan weapon!

For almost 40 days, groups of protesters had been facing the National Guard and National Bolivarian Police in the streets of Venezuela, which has resulted in 37 dead demonstrators. In response, “puputovs” (feces bombs) have emerged recently.

On social media there are even instructions on how to prepare these “weapons” against repression, which consist of a mixture of water, urine, feces and eggs.

According to information published on the networks, these bombs made their debut this weekend at a demonstration in the city of Los Teques, capital of the state of Miranda, a few kilometers from Caracas.

On Monday, there were reports of these bombs in the cities of San Cristóbal, Mérida, Valencia and Caracas. It should be mentioned that paint bombs had previously been used to curb the visibility of the riot police vehicles.

The “shit protest” is being called for all over the country this Wednesday. The poster that invites to attend the demonstration says:

They use gas on us, we use excrement on them.”