American Expatriate Costa Rica

Presidency denies that Costa Rican ports are used to send money to Chavistas

The Presidential House denied that the country’s three ports are being used for Mexican drug traffickers to send money to leaders of the Nicolás Maduro regime in Venezuela, as denounced earlier this week a publication of the Spanish media ABC.

On Tuesday, the Minister of the Presidency, Víctor Morales, denied that the country’s ports are being used to send cash to Chavismo leaders, as the Spanish media said.

According to the publication based on information provided by a “collaborator” who would have participated in an investigations by the US Department of the Treasury and other Washington agencies, the cash was allegedly camouflaged in food shipments leaving Mexico and arriving at the port Limón, where the Venezuelan state-owned Alunasa company has a terminal.

Morales said that the country, through the Directorate of Intelligence and Security (DIS) is investigating the case through what he called a National System of Legitimation of Capitals.

There has been talk of some docks or ports, but in reality there are three ports in the country and none of them are managed by the company that has been alluded to, so that we will remain very attentive to this issue,”

said Morales.

The Minister added that the issue should be addressed by the judicial authorities.

This Monday, President Carlos Alvarado said he was aware of the article by the Spanish media. ABC said that, apparently, the cash “was payment for drug shipments sent by Chavista leaders.”