American Expatriate Costa Rica

Presidency leaves open door to avoid strike and foster dialogue

The Presidential House made a call on Tuesday to the different unions of the education sector in the country so that, before considering going on an “intermittent” strike as of this Monday, they have a dialogue with the government.

This Tuesday, Minister of the Presidency Rodolfo Piza said that, although the demands of the union leaders don’t please the Congress, the Executive Power is willing to talk so that the work stoppage does not affect the students.

On Monday, the Minister of Education, Édgar Mora, regretted that APSE threatened with a new strike despite the fact that it is one of the unions that talks weekly with the ministry.

He also said it is not wise to go on this strike after all the pending issues after last year’s movement. This new strike would affect the plan with which the government aims to remedy the gaps in compliance with the educational schedule of last year.

He insisted that the government will not discuss with any union to stop their work and announced that the Ministry of Education is already documenting all the circumstances to request the illegality status of this strike before the Attorney General’s Office.