American Expatriate Costa Rica

Presidents of Latin American Universities against Trump

The presidents of Latin American universities spoke out against the “segregation policies of the American government of Donald Trump” during the VII General Assembly of the Union of Latin American and Caribbean Universities (UDUAL).

Our region is part of the community and culture of all America including the United States: migration flows have historically created the cultural diversity of that society, strengthening its economic growth and generating a multicultural citizenship. Denying this history with walls and the military does not suppress it,”

says the document signed by the president of the University of Costa Rica, Henning Jensen, also president of the UDUAL.

UDUAL opposed the proposals to build a wall on the border between the United States and Mexico. In addition, it called on governments and Latin American and Caribbean societies to defend freedom of transit in a world without barriers and without discrimination.

At the end of last mont.h the president of the United States, Donald Trump, announced the beginning of the construction of the controversial wall that would divide them from Mexico, on the southern border. Trump said that the construction would begin “immediately”, after the Congress approved 1,600 million for that purpose.

It’s just a down payment. The work will begin immediately,”

said the US president.