Banks for storing stem cells are a reality in the country. This treatment consists of obtaining the cells, either from the same patient, from another person, from umbilical cord or others areas of the body, sectorize them, cultivate them and then use them in the treatments that the person requires. The goal is to achieve tissue regeneration or repair, according to gynecologist Carlos Murillo.
The establishments that offer the service are classified under the code 8690-2 Banks of organs, tissues and human anatomical materials, established in the decree 39728-S of the “General regulation of habilitation of health and related services”. Therefore, this activity is completely legal and authorized, as confirmed by Dr. Gerardo Solano of the Health Services and Standardization Unit of the Ministry of Health.
In practice, the ideal is that the cells are extracted from the same person from the moment of birth and stored for the future, taking into account that the possibility that a 70-year-old person requires a transplant of stem cells is one in 270. Stem cells extracted from umbilical cord blood can treat more than 90 diseases of the blood and immune system, including cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, anemia, and metabolic disorders, among others.
The stem cell is the first that is formed before the body differentiates. We call it totipotent, because it is capable of anything, to form any organ or structure because it has the genetic code of that person, so from a stem cell we can have a liver, a brain, a kidney…”
explained Murillo.
According to the doctor, the number of cells and their potentiality in an embryo is impressive. Nevertheless, in the development of the organism the human being constantly generates them.
Dr. Murillo, who collaborates with Cordón de Vida Bank, explained that the process to store stem cells begins at the time of the baby’s birth, whether it is a natural birth or a cesarean delivery. In the public or private hospital, the baby’s umbilical cord blood sample is collected and immediately sent to the laboratory. The prices of the procedure can range from $ 1,365 (for cord blood cells) and $ 1,995 (for blood cells and cord tissue).
Before hiring the storage service, people should make sure the establishment has the current certificate of qualification, if it complies with the structure standards, the human resource and the equipment and material necessary for the development of the service. Some facilities only provide storage and not therapies or treatments with the cells.