American Expatriate Costa Rica

Program reduces waiting times for surgeries in Cartago

The Max Peralta hospital in Cartago has reduced patient waiting times through a program for better allocation of resources. According to Krisia Díaz Valverde, director of the hospital center, the management of operating rooms are a topic of great importance, with which they have been working in a strong and determined way, taking in consideration the needs of the patients.

The program assigned a operating room manager, who is responsible for all the logistical areas involved in surgical procedures, and guides the optimization of services.

The medical center in Cartago offers 11 surgical specialties : General and Child Surgery, Gynecology, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Oncology, Gynecological and Surgical, Orthopedics, Otolaryngology, Urology and Peripheral Vascular.

In general, gynecological, pediatric and oncological surgical specialties, the waiting times and the number of patients on the list have been significantly reduced.

The program seeks to reduce deadlines in the same way in other specialties such as Otorhino, Urology, Ophthalmology and Orthopedics.

The medical center serves a population of 750 thousand inhabitants that come from the 8 cantons of Cartago, in addition to Tarrazú, Dota, León Cortés, Desamparados, Frailes and San Cristóbal.