American Expatriate Costa Rica

Project that seeks more rigor in adoption of minors advances in Congress

A bill that seeks greater rigor in the processes of adoption of minors advances in Congress.

The reform of the Family Code – promoted by Enrique Sánchez, from the Citizen Action Party (PAC) – was affirmatively ruled by the Human Rights Commission of the Congress.

The project intends to add a paragraph to article 100 of the Family Code to ensure that the adoption of minors is carried out based on duly regulated technical and legal criteria, which consider the suitability of the adopters and, primarily, the history, requirements and children’s needs in all areas of their development.

According to the legislator, based on technical analysis procedures of integral professionals, it is sought to guarantee adequate protection of the best interests of minors.

These criteria make it possible

to ensure that applicants do not present risk factors related to the protection and upbringing of children, and that they possess the necessary protective factors to guarantee their integral development, such as, protection capacity, flexibility, empathy, capacity of containment, attention and affection, ability to postpone one’s own needs and desires to assume those of another, impulse control, tolerance to frustration, among others.”