American Expatriate Costa Rica

Proposal to make environmental education a compulsory subject in classrooms

Gerardo Vargas Varela, legislator from Frente Amplio, presented a bill that seeks to include environmental education as a compulsory subject at all levels of public and private education.
The purpose is to start a process of comprehensive education to generate awareness in students from early ages.

According to the legislator, the idea is that people understand, influence and involve themselves in caring for and protecting the environment through an ongoing educational process, in order to guarantee and fulfill the mandate and constitutional right to an ecologically balanced environment.

It is important to mention that environmental education is aimed at improving the capacities of analysis, reflection and action, it is a process of formation for life,”

said Vargas, who also explained that it can be developed everywhere, in the house, school, work and in the neighborhoods.

It has the capacity for training, transforming and socializing, environmental education allows awareness, communication of environmental issues , community participation in finding solutions, development of critical thinking about the current development model and the implementation of proposals that generate fewer negative impacts,”

added the legislator.