American Expatriate Costa Rica

Prosecutor confirms: cases against Mauricio Víquez won’t prescribe

The Public Prosecutor’s Office confirmed that they have already begun the proceedings to obtain approval to extradite former priest Mauricio Víquez Lizano from Mexico. He was arrested on Sunday at a house in Monterrey, Nuevo León.

Attorney General Emilia Navas Aparicio said there is no concern about the possibility that the cases prescribe, because the process is frozen. Now they have 60 days to finalize the transfer request through the international relations office.

There is no deadline, we have 60 calendar days but the accused has the right to defend himself, there is no possibility that he will face trail in Mexico because the extradition treaty states that the person must come to the country to be investigated,”

said Navas.

When the criminal court of Desamparados issued the international arrest warrant on Mauricio Víquez, it did so for extradition purposes, so the defendant must be immediately placed under the orders of a judge in Mexico, who will be responsible for receiving all the efforts from Costa Rica, aimed at bringing the suspect to national soil.

The former priest faces four legal proceedings for alleged sexual crimes committed against minors, mostly linked to the Catholic Church.