American Expatriate Costa Rica

“Pura vida” in the sky

Air Costa Rica

Air Costa Rica

The traditional, Costa Rican phrase ‘Pura Vida’ will reach the sky.

The new, Costa Rican, domestic airline, Air Costa Rica, decided to use the phrase to stamp it on the sides of the four planes that will start operations this year.

The first aircraft that will have the phrase is the Boeing 737-300 with a capacity for 148 passengers.

Besides “Pura Vida” stamped on its sides, the aircraft will also have Air Costa Rica brand and the figure of a hummingbird.

Carlos Víquez, President of Air Costa Rica said that aircraft’s colors and design are aimed to rescue Costa Rica’s idiosyncrasy.

We are pleased that the first aircraft has a new color. We hope Costa Ricans feel proud for flying the skies of the region with our airline, which is full with Costa Rica’s idiosyncrasy,” declared Víquez.