American Expatriate Costa Rica

PUSC proposes to reduce fuel tax

On Tuesday, the legislative bench of the Christian Social Unity Party (PUSC) proposed a reduction in the single fuel tax, as part of three bills for the country’s economic recovery.

According to the Rojiazules, Costa Rica is the Central American country with the highest hydrocarbon costs, a situation that places the country at a competitive disadvantage and affects the pocket of all Costa Ricans. In addition, more than 34.7% of the price of fuels corresponds to the tax.

The project would reduce the amount of the tax to levels similar to those in the rest of Central America and establish a maximum tax value of 40% of the international fuel price.

Currently, the single fuel tax is adjusted based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and does not consider the international price.

This tax is disproportionate and takes away from Costa Rican families resources that would be devoted to consumption and economic recovery, so necessary in our country,”

said the Social Christians.

They explained that the reduction in tax revenue would be balanced with a tax recovery via VAT, income and others. Also, with a reduction in public sector expenditures, a decrease in cross-subsidies and with external resources.