American Expatriate Costa Rica

Reoffending is inevitable

There are no changes or new analysis on the system used by the Ministry of Justice and Peace (MJP). It gives some freedom to prisoners, despite the constant and harsh criticism that it is receiving.

This system is called “semi-institutional”, which means that inmates spend a few hours a day in jail and some hours outside prison, without police supervision.

Some commit other crimes while enjoying this benefit.

It is inevitable. I could not guarantee that criminals will not reoffend,

stated Reynaldo Villalobos, director of Social Adaptation of MJP.

Villalobos states that the ministry has enough procedures in order to guarantee that inmates who are able to go out do not represent danger to society, although lately there have been thefts and even a case of rape.

Inmates who may aim for this method must meet certain requirements:

-An occupational choice (study, work).
-No more than 2 sentences.
-Proper coexistence relationship.