American Expatriate Costa Rica

Rules and objectives to have a better, healthy life in 2017

“In January I’ll start” is a phrase that often translates into weeks without activities and year closures with unfulfilled goals.

If you want to have a better health this New Year, decide to take actions in the first few days.

Get to know 7 rules and their corresponding objectives that Esquire magazine has for you.

Rule 1: Consistency exceeds everything

Before thinking about what you want or need to change during this year, commit to at least be more consistent and create new habits for the first 17 days.

Target #1: Commit to perform three or four training sessions per week and point to 90% adherence.

Rule 2: eat proteins and vegetables in every meal

Diets are difficult but realistic goals that can be achieved. Make sure your meals are well distributed with protein and vegetables, as they help you to stay full, to burn fat, to strengthen your muscle and they also give you the vitamins, minerals and fiber you need.

17 – day target # 2: Measure your portions. Protein is not bigger than the palm of your hand and consume up to 2 handfuls of vegetables with each meal.

Rule 3: Make Cardio
To start the New Year, avoid interval training and use the slow cardio (130 to 150 beats per minute during 30 to 60 minutes).

High intensity exercises will exhaust you very quickly and will strike your joints. Aerobic exercise, however, will strengthen your heart, your brain, your recovery, your stress tolerance and your general condition.

Target # 3: Get 30 to 45 minutes of aerobic exercise at least once a week.

Rule 4: Get stronger
For the first 17 days of 2017, include these other exercises: strides, presses, deadlifts and Flexo-extensions. But do not use the same weight, add 2.5 to 5 pounds to each exercise, every time you train.

Target # 4: Add 10% to all exercises.

Rule 5: Gain Your Carbohydrates
Do not start 2017 by destroying all carbohydrates, you need them to replenish your muscles after a hard physical work, as well as to regulate a hormone called “leptin” that controls your metabolism.

Target # 5: the trick is to eat carbs only when you train enough to need energy.

Rule 6: 8 hours of good sleep every night

The dream has no other purpose than to recover and regenerate the body. Bad sleep, however, affects your results even if you exercise 8 times a week and eat right.

Target # 6: Sleep 8 hours, at least five nights a week. In addition, when you go to sleep, your electronic gadgets disappear from you, an hour before bed. They interfere with your circadian rhythm.

Rule 7: stop stress
Work, debts and various situations at home increase blood pressure and flood the body with stress hormones.

Target # 7: Take 10 minutes every day to close your eyes and relax. Meditating, taking a nap or doing breathing exercises will help you.