American Expatriate Costa Rica

SENASA will vaccinate cats and dogs at Guanacaste!

To celebrate the World Rabies Day, the National Animal Health Service (SENASA) will vaccinate dogs and cats on September 29th in Liberia, Guanacaste. The event will take place at the Community Hall of Martina Bustos Community from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.

In Costa Rica the last case of human rabies occured in 2001, in Corredores, South Zone.

Rabies is a highly fatal, viral disease that affects humans and other warm-blooded animals. The virus is present in the saliva of infected animals and it is usually transmitted through infected animals’ bites.

Costa Rica is not affected by canine rabies. However, bovine paralytic rabies is endemic in the country. So far this year there have been three rabies outbreaks in Puntarenas. In fact, it was reported that two bovines died in the village of San Julian because they were bitten by the vampire bat, which transmits the disease.

SENASA stated that it is important people remember that their pets must be vaccinated every year in order to protect their lives and keep a rabies-free community.

World Rabies Day is celebrated on September 28th in order not to forget the consequences of human and animal rabies, which kills 70,000 people every year worldwide. In addition, on September 28th, the anniversary of Louis Pasteur’s death, a French chemist and microbiologist that created the first rabies vaccine, is commemorated.