American Expatriate Costa Rica

SINAC assesses management of Conchal Wildlife Refuge

The management of Conchal Mixed Wildlife Refuge in Guanacaste was assessed by the National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) and received the maximum score.

The “Evaluation of Effectiveness of Management of Protected Wild Areas in Costa Rica” is a tool used by SINAC to support the management of Protected Wild Areas and help them achieve conservation goals.

This mixed wildlife refuge covers about 40 hectares of which 11 are part of the State Natural Heritage.

It also represents a valuable contribution to the biodiversity of the country with species of trees such as Guanacaste, Ceibo, Cornizuelo, Michigüiste, Red Mangrove, Salt Stick and Mariquita Mangle.

There are also animals such as the congo monkey, pizote, raccoon, whitetail deer, honey bear, armadillo, woodpecker, various types of heron and violinist crab.