American Expatriate Costa Rica

Siquirres has had no without drinking water for a week

Tuesday marked a week since the neighbors of Siquirres, Indianas and Pacuarito have been without drinking water service due to the contamination of the liquid with fuel.

For eight days, State personnel, led by the Costa Rican Petroleum Refinery (Recope), have been working in the area without solving the problem, since the water that reaches the pipes of the homes is only for cleaning, because it is not drinkable.

According to a report of Aqueducts and Sewers (AyA), on July 15th, the hierarchy of the institution, Yamitelt Astorga, Alexander Solís, president of the National Commission of Emergencies (CNE), Mangell McLean, Mayor of Siquirres and Max Umaña, manager of Recope, inspected – once again – the area where the contamination occurred to determine whether or not there are hydrocarbon residues in the land and the Siquirres River.

Recope attributes the contamination of the river and the AyA to an illegal fuel intake in a pipeline near the Siquirres River, which was detected since July 3rd. Although personnel were sent to attend the incident, the truth is that the work was not good, because the remaining hydrocarbons were dragged – by heavy rains – to the river bed.

It is still unknown if an investigation against Recope will be opened.

Waiting for water potability results continue adding waiting days.