American Expatriate Costa Rica

Solís: “I feel like a woman when I see them being discriminated”

President Luis Guillermo Solís said he felt “like a woman” when he sees them being discriminated, not getting paid, suffering violence, or when he sees pregnant teenage girls and disabled women in 80 percent of the population.

The statement was made during the High Level Panel on Economic Empowerment of Women organized by the U.N.

I feel like a woman because, as the father of 4 daughters, I feel the weight of a society responsible for giving them the rights they are entitle to,”

added the president.

Solís also stated that the recommendations of this global panel will help governments, private sectors, and other stakeholders to take key actions on this matter.

Women are necessary for the economy to prosper, so it is important to listen to their policies and take them in a document to the U.N.,”

said the President.