American Expatriate Costa Rica

Solís is worried about the election campaign

Although it was expected, President Luis Guillermo Solís does not hide his concern about the election campaign, especially if that means that the regular processes of government affairs are affected.

Many of the priority projects convened to the extraordinary sessions of the Legislative Assembly were not discussed in the first quarter on 2017.

The interests of each party and candidate facing the 2018 elections could become a priority for them, a situation that Solís does not want to allow. As a result, he sends a clear message to all the political protagonists of this campaign.

I appeal to the intelligence, the patriotic sense, the goodwill of those who aspire to rule this country so that we unite and take the national agenda forward,

said Solís, hoping that, from the Legislature, officials will also focus on improving the country as a whole, beyond partisan interests.

As he has declared several times, in spite of of that fight of tendencies and parties that will continue this year, he will continue working until the last day of his Government, with the intention of carrying out the pending projects.