American Expatriate Costa Rica

Solís warned candidates not to lie for votes

President Luis Guillermo Solís took a few minutes of his speech on Wednesday afternoon at the graduation of nearly 300 new police officers to send a message to political parties in the face of the election campaign.

As he had done weeks ago, the president called for a campaign where the attacks were in the background. Then he warned about the candidates’ responsibility to Costa Ricans.

Woe unto the one who tries to confuse people! Woe unto the one who tries to praise themselves by lying, saying half truths or accusing without basis during the campaign period!”

said the President.

A reply message for Antonio Álvarez? Maybe. On Tuesday, the candidate of the National Liberation Party said the government was inept and lacked capacity in public works for not doing anything on Route 27 and for what happened in Route 257 that connects with the Megapuerto de Moín, as well as Punta Norte of San Carlos.

Those who violate the homeland by confusing the citizens and the pretenders that with lies try to hide the truth will have to take responsibility before the people of Costa Rica,”

added Solís.

Although the President did not give names, his words come very close to a response to criticism by liberationist.