American Expatriate Costa Rica

Staggered hours will continue in order to reduce traffic jams

The government has extended for four months the implementation of staggered hours in the public sector, as a measure to reduce traffic jams.

In August, the Executive proposed some changes regarding the arrival and dismissal time of some institutions in the metropolitan area, as well as extending the working hours on four days of the week in order to have a day off, between Tuesday and Thursday.

However, on spite of this measure, drivers and officials think that the situation has not changed a lot.

On the other hand, according to a survey from the Ministry of Work, employees who accepted the measures, are satisfied with the changes.

76.5% of employees admit that going from home to the office takes less time, and 66.5% declared that going back home is faster.

62.4% of respondents admitted they start working at 8 am, 27% at 6:30 and only 3.4% delayed their entry time at 9:30 am.

Only 5.2% accepted the cumulative-hour plan.