American Expatriate Costa Rica

Stone: “if Hillary wins, I’ll move to Costa Rica”

Republican politician Roger Stone, one of the closest people to Donald Trump and his former advisor until recently, announced that if Hilary Clinton wins, he will move to Costa Rica.

Clinton and Trump are competing to win American presidential elections. It has been one of the tensest campaigns of recent times.

If Hillary wins, we are done as a nation. We will be invaded by young Muslims, that will rape us and kill us, just like they are doing in Germany and France,

declared Stone.

Roger Stone was part of the Trump’s campaign until August 8th, when he left office because of differences with the magnate. However, he assured that he will support him until the end.

The advisor stated that there were problems in the strategy of the campaign and he decided to step aside. However, people close to the candidate said that he was dismissed.