American Expatriate Costa Rica

Supermarket removes hummus due to risk of contamination with bacteria

PriceSmart Costa Rica has removed four products that have a high risk of contamination with bacteria that cause intestinal damage: Hummus Pital PAN Original, Hummus Sabra Tray, Hummus LANTANA Black Bean and Hummus LANTANA Rosted Garlic.

The preventive measure was taken because it was confirmed that contamination with listeria monocytogenes was found in the production plant (not in the final product). This microorganism is capable of surviving refrigeration and even freezing.

As reported by PriceSmart, the voluntary withdrawal of products with an expiration date between July 21st and August 17th, 2019, occurs after a resolution from the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Commerce (MEIC).

Those who have purchased the product marked with those expiration dates will be entitled to a refund of the payment, for which they must present themselves to any PriceSmart establishment with the product in question and receive the corresponding refund if they carry the purchase invoice.

The bacteria can be found in a variety of raw foods, as well as in processed foods made with unpasteurized milk. Among the symptoms of intoxication are: fever, chills, headache, upset stomach and vomiting.

For more information about returns customers can call the number 4035-1600.