American Expatriate Costa Rica

SUTEL measured users’ satisfaction!

Internet, cable and telephone companies try to convince users that they are their best options.

But some people say that there is no better publicity than “word of mouth” recommendations.

For this reason, we summarize a survey published by the Superintendence of Telecommunications (SUTEL), which measured Costa Rican customers’ satisfaction when it comes to their operators.

They gave their opinion on the operation of the service, personalized attention, billing, delivery of the service, breakdown repairs and telephone service.

So if you are about to hire a new service, this is what other Costa Ricans think.

-Fixed data transfer category: Telecable ruled this category (8,55 points out of 10) and it was followed by Kölbi (8,05).
-Mobile data transfer cateegory: Movistar ruled this category (8,53 points out of 10). It was followed by FullMóvil (8,26) and Tuyo (8,12).
-Mobile telephony category: Movistar reached the first place (8,77 points out of 10). It was followed by Tuyo (8,60), Claro (8,50) and FullMóvil (8,48).
-Fixed IP telephony category: “Call My Way” reached the first place (9,01 out of 10). It was followed by Telecable (8,70) and Kölbi (8,38).
-Cable television category: Telecable ruled this category (8,55 points out of 10) It was followed by Sky (8,66), Cabletica (8,50), Claro (8,37) and Tigo (8,13)