American Expatriate Costa Rica

Teachers announce strike until September 12th with a possible extension

The Association of Second Teaching (APSE) announced that the strike that began this Monday will be held intermittently until September 12th.

According to the union, the dates were approved by the APSE National Council as part of the actions against the bills that aim to regulate strikes.

However, APSE said that although a schedule was established, they don’t rule out that the movement can be extended for more days if bill 21,049 advances in Congress.

For strike days, the union asked teachers not to go to schools and suspend work, despite the fact that the Ministry of Public Education (MEP) has made several calls not to affect the school year.

According to the schedule of activities, the strike will be carried out as follows.

– September 2nd: collective suspension of work in the region.
– September 3rd: collective suspension of work with a national demosntration focused on San José.
– September 4th: collective suspension of work in the region.
– September 9th to 12th: collective suspension of work.