American Expatriate Costa Rica

The Blood Bank needs donors!

The National Blood Bank reported that it does not have enough blood, because donations have been very low and companies have canceled visits to get blood donations.

The Bank works from Monday to Wednesday from 7 am to 3 pm.

If you want to help by donating blood, take into account the requirements:

-Being between 18 and 65 years old.
-Being in good health.
-Weigh more than 50 kilos and measure more than 1.50 meters.
-Present your identity card or residence card.
-Not having ingested liquor in the last 24 hours.
-Not having being subjected to any type of surgery or gastroscopy, tattoo or piercing in the past year
-If you are a woman, you can’t donate while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Each sachet collected is divided into four hemocomponents: red blood cells, platelets, cryoprecipitates and plasma. These are sent daily to all hospitals of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS) for all needs: transplants, accidents, operations and others.