Autism is not caused by the environment and it is not a consequence of a psychological disorder,
It is a genetic disorder with a very high percentage of heritability. In first-degree, consanguineous relatives of a child there are 20 times more chances of having autism as well. The autistic spectrum is basically a difficulty in social interaction; it is also related to phobic patterns and could lead to an excessive response or hypersensitivity to sensorial stimuli,”
explained neurologist and pediatrician David Luna, from Santa Catalina Clinic.
Dr. Luna added that such behaviors tend to decrease in intensity and frequency by applying specific behavioral stimulation techniques that work on the assertiveness, cooperation and teamwork, and that seek to make autistics more functional. He ensures that the earlier a child with autism is treated, the better results can be achieved.
It is estimated that 3 out of 100 people, among the Costa Rican population, have some type of autism.