Some say it is a gift from God, others think it is a divine sign from the book of Revelation, but beyond the motive, many were surprised by the clouds soaring over Cartago on Tuesday morning.
Eladio Solano, an expert at the National Meteorological Institute (IMN) explained that these types of clouds are called lenticular, which form in the vicinity of the mountains and do not move like the others.
They are stationary clouds, they do not move and form near the peaks, isolated from other clouds. Normally they occur under certain conditions of wind and temperature that allow this formation and when changes begin to occur under those conditions, the cloud tends to dissipate, which was what happened as the morning advanced,”
said Solano.
According to the expert, this does not happen all the time, because it requires certain conditions to be formed.
They require an upward wind that rises at an important speed and that is a thermal inversion in the atmosphere, so the temperature instead of being colder, is warmer, and that favors those types of clouds,”
explained Solano.