An American father surnamed Phelps tells his story:
I haven’t seen my son. If I told you that I’ve seen him twice this year, it would be a lot. I just want to see him and share with him.
Phelps is defined as a victim of the so-called ‘unwanted package’: alimony and domestic violence complaints.
He argues that it is a way to separate parents from their children.
His son and the child’s mother are Costa Ricans. He is not complaining about the alimony, but for the evil use of protective measures for domestic violence that are keeping him away from his 11-year-old son.
Phelps states that he has no problems with the timetable for visits, but the cautionary actions are the ones that difficult him to see his son,
He declares that he has no problems with her former partner, in fact, he doesn’t have a relationship with her, but she has blocked him and to communicate with her has been almost impossible.
However, Yolanda Delgado, technical director of the National Institute for Women (INAMU), declared that domestic violence law is a way to protect women and helps them to find a safe place.
On the other hand, lawyer on family matters Douglas Román states that the law is good, but sometimes it is used in the wrong way.
There are several organizations that are working on a way to avoid separating fathers from their children.