American Expatriate Costa Rica

The Zero Burns with Fireworks campaign did not achieve its goal

Unfortunately the “Zero Burns with Fireworks” campaign did not achieve its goal: two children got burns due to the use of explosives in the recent Christmas season.

On January 1st, an 11-year-old child from San José was admitted in the Burns Unit, at the National Children’s Hospital (HNN), because a firework exploded in his hands.

A very similar case occurred on December 25th: an 11-year-old boy suffered burns in his abdomen and hands due to the improper handling of an explosive.

Róger Arias, a physiatrist of the unit, explained that no firework is harmless and no child should be allowed to use it or to be near it.

2016 closed with a terrible number of 413 burned children, the second highest in national history.

We have the unit full again: most children were scalded. Right now we have scalds with coffee and hot water to take a bath,

explained the doctor.

If there is a burn, wash with tap water, cover it with a dry towel and go the nearest medical center. Do not use home remedies.