American Expatriate Costa Rica

These are the national products that would conquer China

According to the latest study by the Foreign Trade Promoter (Procomer) “Food Market in China”, meat, coffee, beer, water, baby formulas, as well as sauces and preparations are part of the national products that have the greatest potential to conquer the Chinese market.

China is already an important destination for Costa Rican exports in Asia; however this study gives us tools to increase the exportable supply that Costa Rica sells to that country. Growing up within this market implies important challenges, but we believe in the potential of national products, which already have a good name and are known there,”

said Marta Esquivel, Director of Commercial Intelligence at Procomer.

Banana, bovine leather, dairy, fresh pineapple, frozen tuna and frozen vegetables are some of the products that already have approved export protocols.

The digital economy, openness for imported food, awareness of food consumption and high per capita income are energizing the economy that facilitates imports from the Costa Rican market.

By 2020, 96% of tariff lines will be in free trade, due to the FTA that exists between the two nations since 2011.