Courtesy from the National Museum
The Judicial Investigation Agency (OIJ) and the Public Prosecutor’s Office conducted a search on former liberationist legislator Víctor Hugo Víquez’s house on Thursday, given his relation with the cementazo scandal.
Víquez and also former legislator Walter Céspedes are being investigated for the alleged crime of influence peddling. Apparently, they would have intervened so that the Chinese cement importer, Juan Carlos Bolaños, got three contracts from the National Emergency Commission (CNE), an entity that was also raided today.
During the search, the officers of the OIJ were surprised to find 12 pre-Columbian pieces, protected by law, dating up to 300 years before Christ (BC). The articles were tools to process food, crush or grind it, and are now in the hands of the National Museum, which will make a report of the findings and pass it on to the Public Prosecutor’s Office.
In Costa Rica, extraction, possession, commercialization and even transport of pieces like these is forbidden.