Independent photographer Ezequiel Becerra captured with his camera the force with which the waves are crashing the coast in Puerto Caldera de Puntarenas, in the Central Pacific of the country.
They show not only the force of waves, but also the important height that reaches populated places.
Since last weekend, the University of Costa Rica (UCR) Center for Marine and Limnology Science Research (Cimar) has warned about the strong waves that would affect the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. On Monday morning, several houses were flooded and some streets were affected by the sea. Twenty-seven families were evacuated.
Cimar explained that these conditions respond to strong storms that occur in the South Pacific of the Continent, that later impact the south coast of the country.
Those waves crash higher on the beach. This is because the one that crashed previously joins with the one that comes next and causes a spectacular height. There could be waves of four meters or more on open beaches (Dominical or Palo Seco),”
said Omar Lizano, Cimar’s ocenographer.