American Expatriate Costa Rica

This is what authorities know about Monday’s storm

Due to heavy rains, the National Emergency Commission (CNE) reported that 20 incidents were reported in the central canton of Cartago in Dulce Nombre, Caballo Blanco, Agua Caliente, surrounding the TEC.

The tornado broke homes and caused saturation of a Zopilote ravine that overflowed and flooded homes,”

said the entity.

The institution also issued a request for inspection in Naranjo due to landslides caused by the weekend rains.

According to the CNE, there were two incidents in Puerto Jiménez de Golfito due to saturation of sewage and subsequent floods. For now, no shelters have been set up.

The CNE noted that all these actions were coordinated with the Municipal Committees of Emergency (CME). They added that the heavy rains that affected Cartago caused Dulce Nombre to have no power supply.

Rebeca Morera, meteorologist at the National Meteorological Institute (IMN), said that on Monday the weather conditions were quite unstable on the national territory, to which were added the high temperatures and the humidity coming from other sectors, which favored the storm clouds that generated heavy rainfall, lightnings and even hail.

This was an extreme event, there were heavy rains in a short period of time with accumulations of about 60 millimeters in just two hours (…)”

added Morera.