On their fourth day of strike, the employees of the health sector made the decision to take their protest to the streets. They will meet from 7:00 am in the vicinity of La Merced Park, in San José, and two hours later they will leave for the offices of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund on Second Avenue.
In the case of Siprocimeca, the call is for everyone to wear the coat that identifies them as doctors.
In hospitals, the situation will remain the same: with affectation in appointments and scheduled surgeries but with the guarantee of the attention of emergency services.
However, CCSS authorities denounced that in some hospitals the “minimum services” are not being guaranteed; for example, this Wednesday the blood bank of the Calderon Guardia Hospital was closed and on Monday only a linear accelerator operated at Hospital Mexico.
Health officials were joined by educators and students.
The representatives of the 17 unions in the sector insist that an Executive Decree be repealed in which annuities are capped.