American Expatriate Costa Rica

Tibás neighbors organize to clean the canton

Three tons of garbage in bags ready for processing was the result of the cleaning day of the canton of Tibás that a group of neighbors, the Tibás Culture organization and the Algo por la Tierra collectives, organized on Saturday along with One Hand Costa Rica .

Representatives of the Green Wolf Costa Rica organizations and the Green Heart Foundation also participated. In addition, the Municipality of the canton cooperated with the handling of all types of waste and donated garbage bags and gave the activists a truck for the transport of materials, as well as tools.

In its Facebook profile, Tibás Culture celebrated that, as part of the beautification of the canton, a mural was painted by artists Alex Rylyuk and Saray Hernández in the district of Cinco Esquinas.

The Public Force was part of the activity as well and provided protection to the activists who donated their time to clean up the canton. The International Biblical Temple donated snacks for the participants.