American Expatriate Costa Rica

Tips if a great ash fall takes place

Ashes from recent Turrialba volcano eruptions have reached areas such as Puriscal, Sabana, Moravia and Heredia.

The eruption that took place yesterday morning produced a column that rose near 4,000 meters high. In addition, the wind has greatly helped to carry ashes, as well as a strong sulfur odor, to several locations.

As consequence, the National Emergency Commission has provided some tips in case that a strong ash fall occurs:

-Stay at home.
-Close doors and windows.
-Use wet cloth in doorsteps.
-Dampen ashes in yards and streets.
-Clean drains.
-If there are ashes in the water, let it settle and remove them.
-Protect electronic devices.
-If you are outside, cover your eyes and nose.
-If you have pets, cover their snouts and keep extra food.
-Keep blankets in your car.
-Keep you cellphone charged.