American Expatriate Costa Rica

Tourism authorities alarmed after murders of tourists

The National Commission of Tourist Security (Consetur) convened by the Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT) met on Monday, after the murders of two foreign vacationers in Tortuguero and Cóbano during the weekend.

At the meeting, which began at 5.30 p.m. in the ICT, the Minister of Tourism, María Amalia Revelo, called on private tourism entrepreneurs to work jointly and proactively with the public sector in the construction and implementation of strategies to reinforce security in the shortest term in the most vulnerable tourist destinations.

There is absolute clarity that to be a sustainable tourist destination, we must be a safe destination, this is a priority theme of my management, defined as a strategic axis since I took office. The task requires that we all participate, it is vital that the private sector loses the fear of talking about public safety and take, together with the Government, the appropriate actions to take care of the destination,”

added the Tourism Minister.

Regarding the ICT, the institution states that it coordinated the support to the relatives and friends of the Spanish tourist with transportation, lodging and psychologists. In the case of the Mexican tourist, her family decided to take private measures.

The private sector was represented by the National Chamber of Tourism (Canatur), the Costa Rican Association of Self-Entrepreneurs (ACAR), the Guanacaste Tourism Chamber (Caturgua), the Costa Rican Hotels Chamber (CCH), the Costa Rican Association of Tourism Operators (ACOT), and the Small Hotels Network of San José.