American Expatriate Costa Rica

Tourist transport joins taxi drivers request on Uber

The Association of Tourism Drivers in Costa Rica (ASOTRANSTUR CR) joins the request of formal taxi drivers, to quickly resolve an appeal by legislator Otto Guevara, on the law regulating public transport.

Juan Carlos Salazar, president of ASOTRANSTUR said that although they will not go to the streets, they join taxi drivers and all public transport representatives in the country.

We have asked the Constitutional Court to rule on the motion by Otto Guevara, to bring down the law regulating public transport. We support taxi drivers, this struggle affects the entire public transport sector, because Uber is killing us. With the requirements the Government demands from us, (…) if we have a competition with a company like Uber we are not going to survive,”

said Salazar.

The representative said that the Association has approximately 120 members, meaning one thousand vehicles, including microbuses and buses, dedicated to tourism.