American Expatriate Costa Rica

Trump’s words have alerted the sector dedicated to attracting investment into Costa Rica

The possibility that US companies, aiming to take their businesses abroad, could have obstacles doing so, alerts the sector dedicated to attracting investment into Costa Rica.

On December 4th, American President-elect Donald Trump said that he would give special treatments on tax and business regulations for those companies that expand their businesses inside the country; however, he warned that those that want to do so outside federal borders, could face economic consequences. He added that he will propose a 35% tax for those companies that try to do it, But if they do not, they can move among the 50 states, without paying taxes and rates currently charged.

Cinde, as an entity specialized in attracting foreign investment, believes it is too early to anticipate the trade policy that will be imposed by the new US administration. As a result, it is better to wait to know possible measures.

However, Cinde will continue identifying and strengthening the country’s investment enviroment. Among these aspects, issues regarding electricity costs, legal stability of the Free Trade Zone Regime, infrastructure, availability of multilingual, human talent, become priority.