Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones, República de Costa Rica Original Photo
On Sunday, April 6th, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) will reopen the 6,515 polling stations in Costa Rica so that voters can decide who will be the next president.
A runoff is required because no party was able to capture the 40 percent of the popular vote required to be president. Voters will need to choose between Luis Guillermo Solís Rivera of Citizen Action (PAC) or Johnny Araya Monge, of National Liberation (PLN).
TSE has budgeted ¢2.3 billion ($4.5 million) for the election, which will include one debate and require that advertising close three days before the first Sunday in April.
The last time Costa Rica had a run off election was in 2002, when Abel Pacheco of the Social Christian Unity Party (PUSC) faced Rolando Araya (PLN). However, in this election cycle, conservative political parties have become a minority in Costa Rica while liberal parties dominate the political field.