American Expatriate Costa Rica

Two new butterflies species named after the President and the First Lady

Tinaegeria carlosalvaradoi and Percnarcha claudiadoblesae are the names of two new species of nocturnal butterflies discovered by Costa Rican and American scientists.

Using “barcoding” techniques (DNA reading), two new species of nocturnal butterflies were discovered and named in honor of the President of the Republic, Carlos Alvarado Quesada, and the First Lady, Claudia Dobles Camargo, during the 50-year celebration of the creation of the canton of La Cruz, in Guanacaste.

The recognition was granted by the Minister of Environment and Energy, Carlos Manuel Rodríguez, accompanied by a group of scientists, researchers, officials from the Guanacaste Conservation Area and local government authorities.

The presidential couple was honored for their efforts in the conservation of Costa Rican biodiversity.

The finding comes after many years of research by a group of Costa Rican and American scientists, led by Daniel Janzen and Winnie Hallwachs.