On Tuesday morning, a group of Uber drivers arrived at the doors of the Presidential House with the aim of having a dialogue with the Government regarding their employment situation.
At 11:00 a.m., six representatives entered the Presidency in Zapote, while 350 drivers of platforms were waiting outside the building supporting the activity.
According to César López, representative of the National Chamber of Drivers of Technology Platforms, six drivers of collaborative mobility applications were admitted to the meeting,
there we presented a document in which we asked the Government for the moratorium or repeal of the signed executive decree by former President Luis Guillermo Solís, who sanctions us.
During the meeting, the Government undertook the task of studying the repeal of the executive decree. In fact, they thought it was an interesting idea that they had not thought about, because the derogation or moratorium would be fresh air for Uber drivers, but also for the Government, while the matter is regulated and the Legislative Assembly legislates,”
said López.
The leader pointed out that they have a counterpart -taxi drivers-, however, the Government opened a dialogue table in which they were included.
On August 21st the Government will deliver its final and official position on this issue. After that date, the dialogue tables would start, if the taxi drivers are willing to sit down,”
explained López.