Despite the visible annoyance of union groups, the government maintains its proposal of wage adjustment for the second half of 2017.
The Presidential House text establishes an increase of ¢750 for each ¢100 thousand to professional public employees and ¢1,010 for each ¢100 thousand for non-professionals. This is a 0.75% and 1.01% increase, respectively.
The unions, on the other hand, have three different texts that propose increases between 3% and 4%.
Franco Benavides, representative of the Central General of Workers (CGT) in the Salaries Negotiating Committee, indicated that for the trade unions, the government’s justification for maintaining the increase at 1% is not welcomed.
The authorities’ argument was the current fiscal crisis.
Hernán Rojas, director of the Civil Service, commented that on Monday afternoon they reconvened with the union groups to reiterate that their proposal remains unchanged. The aim was to reach an agreement. However, this is not mandatory. Therefore, the government stated it will maintain its position and that the increase will be official by means of an executive decree to be issued shortly.