On September 9th, Shirley Moraga met Fitzgerald Haney, US ambassador to Costa Rica, who visited the National Children ‘s Hospital (HNN) and gave her a very special gift.
This little girl was born with a congenital heart disease and after an infection, she lost her hands and feet. However, this has not been an obstacle for her: she is an excellent student in the school of Santa Eulalia, Atenas.
Therefore, the US Embassy decided to reward her efforts and, with the support of the cities of St. Petersburg and Clearwater in Florida and Copa Airlines, Shirley and her family will visit Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital Center.
Her attitude toward adversity has deeply surprised us. She will also be a special guest at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, where she will meet Winter, a dolphin who lost its tail when it was caught in a fishing net and it now swims thanks to a prosthesis. Winter is a symbol of the struggle against adversity and Shirley is an example of perseverance and tenacity,
declared the Embassy on its Facebook page.
Haney said that Shirley represents Costa Rican children’s strength and he thanked authorities from the HNN.