American Expatriate Costa Rica

“Venezuela is ready for an absolute war with the US,” says Cabello

Diosdado Cabello, the second leader of chavistmo, said that Venezuela is ready to wage an “absolute war” with the United States, while alerting that “the marines are likely to enter,” but it will be difficult for them to leave the country.

The president of the National Constituent Assembly of Venezuela gave his statements this Saturday in Caracas, in the framework of the XXV Forum of Sao Paulo.

We are prepared today, we really say it without arrogance, if they want, for an absolute war of all our people in defense of our country and our peace,”

said Cabello.

Here, 200 years ago we overthrew the most powerful empire of that time, and we weren’t so prepared or so united,”

said Cabello, trying to establish a parallel between a possible armed struggle between Venezuela and the United States and the emancipation war waged by the South American country against Spain 200 years ago.

Venezuela and the United States maintain strained relations since the arrival of Chavism to power, in 1999, but the tension intensified last January, when the Trump administration recognized the opposition leader and head of Parliament, Juan Guaidó, as interim president, alon with 53 other nations.

This recognition of Guaidó is part of the American initiative that started almost six months ago to dislodge Nicolás Maduro from power, whom the Trump administration has asked on numerous occasions to step aside and call for free and transparent elections.